The Haunted Mansion’s “Impossible architectural space”

Haunted Mansion Disneyland

Call it the Parallel World paradigm.

Certain advantages come with PW.  For one thing, the architectural inconsistencies between the house we see on the outside and the one we see on the inside are all explained at a single stroke.  When the lightning flashes in the garrett of the stretching room, we see the site of the Ghost Host’s suicide, but what we see doesn’t match the outside cupola very well.  That’s because it’s a glimpse of the old house.  But other than this one early glimpse, you’re still in the house you saw from the outside until you get to the limbo area, where we board our buggies (we are, as usual, following the Disneyland model).  There, a transition takes place, which explains, I suppose, why we need something like a limbo area.  From that point forward we see the original house, the house as the ghosts see it.

via Long-Forgotten: The Ghostland Around Us, Beneath Us.

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