The Chicago Neighborhoods

Brighton Park - The Chicago Neighborhoods

The Chicago Neighborhoods, a project by Steve Shanabruch to brand the many different neighborhoods in Chicago:

I know branding a neighborhood is quite subjective. My experiences and knowledge are obviously different than those of someone else, especially a long-time resident, so let’s call this project “One designer’s take on Chicago.” My vision might not match yours, but I hope that we can agree that a neighborhood with a logo is better than a neighborhood without.

Save Prentice Women’s Hospital by Bertrand Goldberg

Prentice Women’s Hospital - Bertrand Goldberg

My favorite buildings in Chicago are by Bertrand Goldberg, architect of slightly eccentric buildings throughout the Windy City including the Marina City Towers, River City and Prentice Women’s Hospital on Northwestern University’s Medical Campus in the heart of Chicago. A few years ago the university moved out of the building and it has sat vacant. Northwestern University has recently made rumblings about demolishing the building to make way for a newer – and probably more bland – building. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has a Save Prentice Petition asking you to “Show Prentice Some Love.”

Prentice Women’s Hospital - Bertrand Goldberg

Prentice Women’s Hospital - Bertrand Goldberg

Prentice Women’s Hospital

Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect

Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect

Robert J. Sampson’s important new book, Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect, challenges prevailing notions of community decline. Sampson, an urban sociologist who is the Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences at Harvard University, argues that our communities continue to matter a great deal and that our lives are powerfully shaped by where we live. William Julius Wilson lauds the book as “one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated empirical studies ever conducted by a social scientist.”

via The Enduring Effect of Neighborhoods – The Atlantic Cities.